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ave inter-arrival time
ave arrival rate

ave service time
ave service rate

Customers arrive at random, but you can set either the average interarrival time in minutes or the arrival rate in customers per hour. The value in the brown box next to the current interarrival time is the average of the simulated times so far.

Service time is also random and you can set either the average time or the average rate.

You can also set the number of customers to simulate. The more customers, the longer the simulation takes, but the results are closer to reality. All customers come from the customer pool, and they may arrive for service multiple times in one simulation. The system is a finite source model, by default there are 20 customers. You can adjust that up to 29 at most. For most cases, 29 in the pool will approximate an infinite source model.

Always click Reset before running a simulation to make sure the system is cleared of old values. Click Go to run a simulation.